Looking for IT services in Selkirk?

You’ll want a company with a proven track record of security, efficiency, and stellar customer support. You want Constant C.

We’ve been in the business for over 35 years. We believe in making technology work for you - not the other way around. That means simple, actionable solutions that make your network more efficient - and more secure. It means passionate, reliable technicians who are available 24/7, 365. It means that customer satisfaction is our top priority - even if you know next to nothing about technology, we make it all easy to understand.

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Why Choose Constant C

When it comes to IT services, you want a company that has withstood the test of time. Here at Constant C, we’ve been around for a long time - not quite as long as Chuck the Channel Catfish, mind you, but long enough to have a proven track record of success.

Over 35 years of experience

The tech industry has a high turnover rate - as new technologies are introduced, some companies lose interest, find their business model unworkable, or fail to keep up with the times.

Not Constant C.

We’ve been in the business for 35 years. We’ve seen everything, from the first email viruses to today’s sophisticated ransomware and phishing attacks.

Through it all, we’ve kept our clients secure by providing state-of-the-art network protection tools. By implementing best practices, the right software, and a holistic approach to network building, we’ve maintained high levels of customer satisfaction through it all.

Fully-managed IT services

If you’ve been running your IT services ad hoc, adding devices without a standardized procedure and without tightly controlled user profiles, you’re putting yourself at risk.

When you sign on with Constant C, you’re getting fully managed IT. That means we’ll look at your network as a whole and identify any weak points. We’ll also find inefficiencies, like outdated protocols and unnecessary devices. Once we’ve completed our network evaluation, we’ll propose a number of solutions to make your network more secure and efficient.

Our services don’t end there. When you have a problem with your devices, day or night, you can call us. We offer 24/7, 365 service to our clients in Selkirk. All this and more for a flat rate fee, so you’re never guessing at your IT budget for the month.

100% Satisfaction guarantee

Throughout our 35 years of business, we’ve maintained a 95.9% customer satisfaction rate, and a 97% customer retention rate. Our clients agree - Constant C is the only IT solution you’ll ever need.

We maintain our high levels of satisfaction through our 100% satisfaction guarantee. When you couple that with our fast and friendly service - with none of that “tech-y” talk that bores most people to death - it’s easy to see why our clients love us.

Network Security & Cyber Security in Selkirk

You want to strike a balance when it comes to security solutions. You want technology that’s easy-to-use and unobtrusive, all while providing your network with the protection you need.

At Constant C, we strive to help Selkirk businesses find that balance. Our philosophy is simple: every business is different, so there’s no catch-all security solution. We’ll work with you to find the right software, protocols, and best practices to keep your network secure.

Cloud Security Services

Businesses who want to take their technology to the next level will often turn to the cloud. From workplace productivity apps like Slack to business solutions like Office 365, software-as-a-service and the cloud are becoming ubiquitous. \Cloud solutions may not provide the granular, customizable security that your business needs. Access to your data may also be at risk - if the company’s servers go down, you may lose out on hours or even days of productivity.\\ Our cloud security services focus on mitigating all of these risks. We’ll assess the cloud software you’re currently using, find any holes in your security, and propose solutions. Our data loss prevention service will help keep your data safe, and our email security software will protect you against phishing attacks that attempt to access your cloud service accounts.

Cyber Awareness Training

A study by IBM revealed that human error was a major factor in 95% of cyber security breaches. That means that the biggest risk to your network comes from your team. All it takes is one person to click one suspicious link. One person who doesn’t have their network configured properly while they work from home. Cyber awareness training is an integral part of the IT services we provide in Selkirk. We’ll help you and your team develop best practices in conjunction with the cyber security tools we offer you.

Detection and Remediation

There are barriers we can use to stop cyber criminals from infiltrating the perimeter of your network. But what happens when they get a foothold on a device in your network? That’s when detection and remediation become essential. Through the use of Managed Detection and Response (MDR), we can detect suspicious activity coming from inside your network. When it’s found, the device that’s being used as a foothold for cyber criminals will be cut off from the network. That means you can rest easy, knowing your network is secured inside and out.

Email Security

Selkirk is the catfish fishing capital of North America. Canada is the email phishing capital of the world. If you’re not protecting your business against phishing attacks, you could be giving malicious actors an open door for ransomware attacks. At Constant C, we take a multi-pronged approach to email security. From helping you establish best practices for your team, to installing email protection software that scans documents and filters out spam, we’ll keep your network secure.

Data Loss Prevention

Without your most valuable data, your business may not be able to operate. From budgets and planning notes to customer data and leads, business data is essential. We follow, at a minimum, the 3-2-1 philosophy: 3 backups of all data, on at least 2 different mediums, with at least 1 backup off-site. The frequency with which you should back up your data is a balance of what’s convenient and what’s essential. We’ll help you find that balance and keep one of your most valuable assets secure.

Network Security

Network security is complicated. You might think that you’re only vulnerable from the outside, but mistakes happen, and your own employees can accidentally open holes in your security or delete valuable data. That’s why our network security services are comprehensive. From granular end-user access controls to real time cyber attack detection, we’ll do everything we can to keep your Selkirk business safe.

Free Dark Web and External Security Scan

Try before you buy is a popular philosophy - it helps to see how someone works before deciding to hire them. It’s a philosophy we understand and appreciate. That’s one of the reasons we offer a free Dark Web and External Security scan. We’ll find out if anyone is selling your business or personal data on the dark web. Then, we’ll try to access your network from the outside - this will allow us to find any holes in your business security. We’ll give you all of the information that we find free of charge. You can take whatever actions you want with that data - hire us, or handle the information in-house. The power is in your hands. These free scans are just another way to say thank you to Selkirk businesses.

Cybersecurity in the News

IT Services Selkirk businesses can trust

These are just a few of the many IT services we offer. Our focus is on efficiency, security, and customer satisfaction. Day and night, we’ll be working hard to keep your network secure.

Don’t gamble on ad hoc, unplanned IT solutions. Call us today for a free quote - remember, all of our services are provided for a flat fee. We’re Constant C, and we’re here to protect your IT.

Meta description: Constant C offers fully-managed IT services in Selkirk. 24/7 support. 1-hour response times. Secure and efficient networks. All for a flat fee.

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Constant C Technology Group

  • 260-100 Innovation Drive
    Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 6G2


  • (204) 272-1458
  • (204) 257-6671

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